Songs of the Week

I dunno. It grew on me slowly and now it makes me want to dance. I also like how it wavers between minor and major keys. I don’t actually have anything else to say about this one, I just like it, inexplicably.

This song was sampled by Renard in “Been Gone”, which is one of my favourite songs that I secretly enjoy for the shock value. Yes this is music I listen to. Is something wrong? (Ho ho ho.) But really, this is such a catchy song, and it’s a testament to a band thought to be two-hit-wonders. “Did your head / Not receive / The shape of everything / That you are / And I am / I shouldn’t be happy as your man.” It’s also exceptionally difficult to play on ukulele, and therefore gets +1 in my book. I love to sing it.


You know when you spend a really time looking for something and then when you find it it kind of underwhelms?


Band of the Day: Yeasayer

They’re pretty cool. “Grizelda” is one of my very favourite songs, but “Ambling Alp” and “O. N. E.” are also incredibly musical.


Wow! Rytlock Brimstone!?

As a once-fan of Guild Wars 2, how did I not find this? My god, I haven’t laughed so hard in months.

Deeep breaths.

I miss that game. But they promised it would grow deeper and it just grew wider. I wanted to actually get invested in character classes but they built them for PvP instead of PvE. Nerfs for everyone! Meanwhile in world completion…………..

MtG Card of the Day: Dreamscape Artist

So. This fellow and I have a really love-hate relationship.

For starters, the artwork is extremely detailed and stylistic; but for whatever reason it just weirds me right out. Then take the effect. Basically, he taps to make any card in your hand blue Harrow. Blue is totally the color of landshaping, and the notion of making any card in your hand something else is SUPER blue flavour (and I wish they’d do it more!). BUT. Harrow is the quintessential green card. Like, THE green card, not counting Giant Growth or Bears I suppose. I am thus conflicted on whether I feel like this is in blue flavour or if it’s just an example of blue stealing another colour’s thunder (which is my least favourite thing). Cause, it’s not like blue is overpowered or anything…right?

Regardless, this card isn’t too overpowered, and he’s common(!). I immediately tried throwing him in a pauper blue landscaping deck, but the win condition is unrealistic and the deck fails. The problem here is that even if you can filter and ramp your land to incredible amounts, ultimately you end up topdecking for your lame-o serpent bomb and hoping the opponent doesn’t draw land to replace that which you’ve turned to islands.

And THIS. This is the biggest love-hate aspect of Dreamscape Artist. Secretly, he’s an inherent -1 card advantage. No, not because of the discard in his ability, because like I said he turns that card into Harrow. The card disadvantage is when you play him in the first place! Assuming you start the game with three lands and the Artist, you get him out on the second turn, and on the third turn use his ability. That’s 7 – 3 land – 1 artist + 2 draws – 1 harrow = 5 card in hand. Next turn, assuming you play another land, 5 + 1 draw – land – 1 harrow = 4. You expect to have five cards in your hand after playing two Harrows, but instead you have four.

If you’re dropping the situationally bad cards from your hand (such as extra copies of himself) this can be brilliant land ramp. It’s also important to consider floating mana in this equation, since his land comes into play untapped (!). Just think, that’s (one land on turn one) 1:1, 0:3, 2:3, 4:4, 6:5 if you play a land each of the first five turns. But if you play any other spells out of that, things start looking grim… that’s (six potential spells on turn one) 6:1, 5:2, 4:3, 3:4, 2:5. This means if you use his effect three times, you’ve played at most three spells all game, counting the artist, and have NO HAND. Better hope one of those spells drops turn five and starts swinging…

To understand how self-destructive this truly is, let’s take a look at a 60-card 23-land deck that plays Dreamscape Artist, five lands, uses his ability thrice, and burns their other two spells. That’s (60 cards – 7 initial hand – 4 drawn – 6 searched land =) 43 cards left in the deck, (23 land – 5 hard played – 6 dreamscape’d =) 12 of which are land and let’s assume two to three are Dreamscape Artist. That’s 65% to 67% chance of drawing a card that isn’t land or DA. Dunno about you but the Fire Emblem genius in me is not optimistic about those numbers, not to mention how much I hate MtG coming down to numbers. (HEART OF THE CAAAAAAARRRDS!)

Even though the disadvantage of playing him and using his effect twice (I rarely use it more than that) is -3 card advantage for a potential six useable land on turn four, I kind of secretly like the notion of burning card advantage. Rather than being a broken “Harrow on a stick”, you transform your other potentially useless spells into mana ramp. Genius! Introducing real COST into the “stick” equation. Unfortunately for Dreamscape Artist, Harrow may not be a strong enough card to put on a stick for that cost.

Mo’ Numbers:

The lowest potential useable cards is shown in the example above. The highest potential useable cards, assuming you play no other spells by turn five and only dreamscape twice, is…

(23 + 4 – 4 – 4 – 2 – 1 =) 16 out of (60 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 4 =) 45

Most card adv: 4 hand, 6 land, 64% draw

Least card adv: 2 hand, 8 land, 65% draw

This assumes that, a) you only play four land from your hand, b) you discard land/DA’s twice when dreamscaping, and c) you draw no land other than those six.

My recommendations? Perhaps you could run him in a high-cmc deck that relies on mana fixing. I’d bet he’d work in a Polymorph deck, or five-color, or even Jhoira/Erratic Explosions/Clash. It’s just that other cards do it better.





Song of the Day:

“Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind


My favourite lines are these:

The sky was gold, it was rose.
I was taking sips of it to my nose

I believe in the sand beneath my toes
The beach gives a feeling
An earthy feeling
I believe in the faith that grows,
And the four right chords can make me cry
When I’m with you I feel like I could die
And that would be alright


Song of the Day

“Implode, Alright” – Built By Snow

Another song I’ve just had on repeat for a couple days. The 8-bit melody is so comforting for some reason, I can’t really put my finger on it. The singing is mediocre at best, but when the quiet hi-hat and clapping pick up, followed by the humming bass, my goodness. Just keep the melody coming and I know, I’ll be alright.


Another League of Legends PSA

Problem, Summoner?

Don’t build Liandry’s Torment outside of specific cases. These cases include Amumu, Mundo, Brand, Rumble, Teemo, and a few others. The passive is reduced significantly for area of effect and damage over time spells. Even if the enemy is slowed, all of the passive damage is affected by magic resist. Unless you’re dealing consistent magic damage against healthy, magic-weak, movement impaired units, you’re almost always better off buying a Void Staff instead. Also note that the %hp is CURRENT hp, and therefore bursty champs that can chunk 50% hp right off the bat get -50% returns from the passive; it’s a poor choice on assassins.

Notes: Anything that has the potential to hit multiple foes is AoE. Autoattack on-hit damage like Teemo’s poison will not trigger the passive.

  • Amumu and Mundo are exceptions because they stack MPen and deal continual magic damage to multiple movement-impaired champs.
  • Brand’s passive burn triggers Liandry’s and both passives deal %hp. Additionally, he runs Rylai’s, and the two items trigger for his entire passive.
  • Rumble harpoons will deal a bonus 12%hp on 5 sec cooldown. ‘Nuff said.
  • Teemo shrooms are obvious, and his blind is single-target initiation against tanky tops, the ideal circumstance for a Liandry’s.
  • Morgana, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Lissandra, Sejuani, Cassiopeia, and Twisted Fate are all MARGINAL AT BEST.
(Morg bindings on initiating tanks, Fid fear-drains, Annie q poke, TF stun & poke, Cass poison & slow, Lissandra and Sej permaslow & damage)


DO NOT build this item on:

Ziggs. There is no discussion.

Katarina, Akali, Galio, Vel’Koz, Viktor, Syndra, Orianna, Malzahar, Xerath, Veigar, or Yasuo.
Yasuo. Why would you even.


We Are the Catfish

There’s this t-shirt maker on zazzle called wearethecatfish and they make some pretty hilarious shirts that everyone should check out.

With such highlights as:

“Teen protagonist of a 90’s movie who has trouble fitting in at school”

“Are you bored of being heterosexual? HELLO.”


“My fav type of men is ramen”

“i can’t believe someone is looking at me oh man im so embarrassed. where are my manners. its nice to meet you.”


“1rd 2st 3nd”

“That’s nice but what if those two characters were boyfriends?”

the ORIGINAL “I hope senpai notices me.”

or a tea mug that says “WINE TIME!”


I could go on, but I’m going to try and stop myself here.


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