Doing All the Things

Maybe, you don’t have to.

As a perfectionist, and a completionist, it used to be my compulsion to do all the things. Zelda, for starters, may have enabled or even been the cause of this, to some degree. Anyways, I’ve noticed it translates to other weird aspects of my life. School, first and foremost. I feel compelled, truly and drastically, to do all the work in group projects. If I don’t feel like I can get 100% in a course, or if some assignment isn’t perfect, I’ll procrastinate and fail the whole course. No, really.

Even here, on this blog, I used to compulsively tag everything and try to keep the tracklists and mixes and downloads all up to date.

“But maybe,” I’ve started asking myself lately, “Perfection isn’t that important all the time.” Maybe you can bear to have tracks in your library of LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF SONGS that don’t have title and author and date and (shudder) genre. Maybe you can just say whatever about the old, tattered “Mixes” page and just not give a fuck. I always upload mixes to “Downloads” and I sometimes put them on youtube, but other than that, it’s whatever.

I mean, specifically in the case of this blog, I’m ultimately blogging for myself. Why should I care about compulsively uploading and chronicling the process behind each mix if I’m just being redundant and wasting time for my own sake?

This translates to other areas of my life. I may have mentioned Frankenlaptop a couple times? Yeah. Still figuring out how I feel about that. After all, it’s hard to gauge the efficiency of the end product, especially when I’m not actually working on it, I’m mostly ignoring the problems because FUCK. LINUX.

I dunno. Jus talkin bout relevant problems in my life. Media is like Pokemon and I don’t actually need to catch ’em all. Emulators and systems can be optimized but there’s no reason for me to waste as much time on it as I have.

Consider this post…acknowledgement of the problem. More to come? Keep learning!

New Mixes

Just throwing a few new mixes down here. I’ve actually made a lot that aren’t on here, I’ve just been really lazy getting them out there and tracking down all the songs on youtube. Yeah. Anyways just check my channel and you can see what’s good.

First up, a mix for a friend’s birthday. She’s influenced my tastes quite a bit so I guess I was trying to return the favor? It’s got LOTS of Ra Ra Riot. Love ’em. I dunno why but this was definitely the hardest mix I’ve ever made. Too many tracks, they didn’t want to fit together right, and even now I have to stop myself from being like UGH who would put THIS SONG after THAT SONG. Heinous.

Then there’s this monstrosity. I dunno what exactly this is. In fact, I think that was the working title. But yeah. It started off as “I Love You”, followed by “Locomotive Breath” and “I’m Gonna Leave You”, and around that time I was sort of re-discovering a lot of tUnE-yArDs and Wolf Parade and it kinda all clicked. I feel like it works because there’s lots of Rhythm and Blues vibes, and most all the tracks lean really heavily on the deep, two-beat percussion. You know. That primal, dance beat that feels like your feet pounding on concrete. Your fists in the air. Some crazy guitar lick coming and going past you on the street but the fundamental beat shaking everything to its foundation.

Definitely one of the smoothest mixes I’ve ever made, which I interpret as a good sign. It all kind of fell together and then all of a sudden I realized what I had was the whole mix. No rearranging tracks. No cutting a bunch of needless stuff. Lots of long songs so I guess it’s got like, a lot fewer tracks than normal. But yeah. Good stuff.

don’t swear I’ll get around to getting all my mixes up everywhere. I guess, more on that later. I’ll try to be more vocal about them though.

My current music crush is Yannick Ilunga (Petite Noir). I just want to have hot, messy sex with his voice. The range he achieves on “Chess” is incredible, and it’s just such…an untouchable song. I’ve been raving about it for months, and not once though WOW THAT GOT OLD. Suppose I’ll end on this then. Song of the Season:


So like, I only discovered today, after extensive googling, that regular voters have a say in caucus nominees. WE CAN ALREADY VOTE FOR BERNIE.


How did I not know this? Is our education system so bad? I thought I was a smart person! Anywho, y’all should go here pronto.

It’s the easiest way to find out when and where the caucus is in your location. Be there, you know! Also, Bernie’s voters are some of the least likely to vote, probably because the lower class (college, young, poor, minorities) are kept in the dark about when and where. SO POST THAT SHIT UP! Tell your friends, tell your family, come to events an hour early and register to vote! Share the time and date as much as you can so your voice gets heard!

Bellingham WA, 98225 district meets on

March 26th, 10am at the Bellingham Public Library

So I wrote some fanfic

You heard correctly.

This morning I woke up, kinda laid there, and suddenly poof, words appeared in my head and I had to write them down. After thinking about them for a bit I realized they were about The Odyssey. Too strange!

And that’s how I ended up writing a short, hot bit of Penelope/Odysseus smut. Yes, it’s quite explicit. I have no idea how or why it came to me, maybe I’ve just been eating too much Greek food the past few days or something. I’m not even a huge fan of the Odyssey. I mean it’s great, but definitely not something I like, CRAVE FANFIC for. It is no Fire Emblem – Rekka no Ken. (By the by you should write Raven/Lucian porn because I need it.)

Anywho, it’s like a thing, and I’m kind of awkwardly fond and proud of it. A bunch of edits are incoming, as I get people to read and edit it, but if you’d like to read it, it’s up! It exists! Click here!

I suppose I should warn: Odysseus is tied to the bed. So like, if REALLY LIGHT bondage and idk biting triggers you then avert your eyes now!

Song of the Day: Satan Said Dance

Yep! Today there’s two songs of the day! Hurrah and stuff.

This one’s extremely straightforward. Yesterday me and a bunch of friends were playing Magic: the Gathering, a format called “Commander” where one dude is your commander and everything else in the deck panders to them. I had a hankering to play Rakdos, Lord of Riots, who looks kind of like…this. Reasonably, we call him Rakdos, Lord of The Dance. His special ability is that he’s ungodly strong, but somebody has to be dancing before you’re allowed to play him. Once they are though, he shares the dance with everybody else, basically allowing you to play every creature in your hand for free. DANCE PARTAY

Getting back to the song. I dunno why, but once I got the first dance party underway, I got it stuck in my head. I love it. It’s like an Anthem for Rakdos. The song itself has a pretty straightforward interpretation. I like most these lines: “He says to me to shake around / And don’t stop ’til you hit the ground / And I know it is not how you thought it would be / No whips no chains just dancing dancing dancing [etc.]” Satan isn’t some physical, perverse, or otherwise tormentor. The only thing he does is say dance, dance until you can’t. And like Sisyphus, the singer is condemned to dance for eternity. Okay well maybe not exactly like Sisyphus but you know what I mean.

Weird song. I love the simplicity. I love singing “Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan et al”. I love the creepy bleepy bits. Mostly shock value. Somewhat catchy pop refrain. Definitely a Rakdos, Lord of The Dance anthem, and when I make my own version of his deck and play it, you know what I’ll be singing.

Song of the Day: You Can Call Me Al

To quickly summarize the background to the Graceland album, Paul Simon was in a rut, and decided to take a trip to South Africa, after hearing a bootlegged tape of some South African folk. I say bootlegged because this was in the middle of apartheid, kind of the biggest shit-fest in the history of that country. Anywho, he collaborated (some say appropriated) with a bunch of South African musicians, and produced this crazy album now widely recognized as his best.

This song I find to be particularly catchy. It’s set up in the form of a joke, sort of “A man walks into a bar…”. The wordplay of the first two verses is just that – Simon intended for the words to be ignored until the third stanza, when the self-possessed singer becomes extrospective, as it were. The transformation is slow, and I think that’s what I really like about it. It takes place over the duration of the song, in little jolts and bursts of lyrical to-do: “Get these mutts away from me! / You know, I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.” I’m likely constructing this analysis of thin air, since Paul Simon himself said they were nonsense lyrics, but I like to imagine that initial discomfort is what leads to the singers’ transformation. At first, he feels trapped by the immaturity of what he once found funny; following this he begins questioning his role models and his own morality. Still all very egotistic, though deeper, concerns.

But in the last stanza, it’s not even written from his perspective. He is out of place in the street, in the country, in the world – alone. This is the sort of nirvana moment, I think. It’s not about him, it’s about him and everyone else, being a part of everything. Yeah yeah it’s just as corny as I make it sound, but isn’t that a hugely recurring religious, spiritual theme? In a more worldly light, perhaps its the realization that regardless of feeling alone, feeling like you’ve lost yourself even, there’s others out there. We’re all human, and maybe others help define the self? I don’t feel like I have a concrete interpretation and that’s definitely another reason the song has been on my mind so much lately.

As with all songs I toy with the meaning to, I looked it up on, where there were some very VERY interesting interpretations. One of my favourites is based on the names. In Dante’s Divine Comedy, the author follows the poet Virgil through the nine rings of hell, to purgatory, and finally to heaven, where he reunites with his long lost lover Beatrice. It’s entirely possible here that Beatrice/Betty, is his guardian angel, making Dante Alighieri/Al, her long lost pal. Also fitting is the thematic transformation from a self-absorbed to enlightened main character. I dunno if it was intentional (Paul SImon supposedly got the names Al and Betty from a misunderstanding of him and his wife, Peggy’s names at a dinner party) but I do love a good, far-fetched song interpretation.

Telling a Story about Dragon-slaying

Words. So like. Reading Magic: the Gathering story to present…I am reminded how the Dragon is not a real dragon. Whatshisface, hero’s journey dude. He said the Dragon is the dragon in our minds. I interpret this as our stories not being tales of daring do, but daring thought, psyche, or ethic. The fight to slay a beast is not a physical effort but a mental one, perhaps even as simple as finding the will to train, daily. Or perhaps as complex as conjuring hope from the face of despair, or uniting many under a single cause.

Some writers understand this, and their vignettes (all MtG plot is now told through short stories from no one author) really shine. Other authors take the George Lucas approach and opt for more actual dragon fighting, figuratively. You know. I love a good action fantasy read, but I’ve never been able to put my finger on why some can appear perfectly reasonable yet fall flat. This is why. Good action requires just as much from its characters, setting, and plot as any other story.

For this reason, Guardians of the Galaxy is infinitely better than Star Wars. There, I said it. The biggest flaw of GotG is its pathetic excuse for a villain. He is a Dragon, no more and no less. Shit for motive, boring dialogue, wins every fight. This is the film’s secret strength though, because it’s not a movie about slaying a dragon, it’s a movie about a group of self-serving losers coming together for an unlikely, selfless cause and “giving a shit.” It’s uproarious. It’s witty. It’s exciting.

But that’s the thing. The action sequences are a demonstration of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the performing characters. When they break out of the prison, Groot and Drax smash heedlessly, Gamora kicks some dudes, and Rocket is smart and shoots a gun. Starlord is left talking his way out of…well nothing, but that’s the point. He’s often useless in the face of a battle but he’s good with words – the bard. (See my earlier post about how GotG is a Dungeons and Dragons party.) Each has obvious strengths and flaws that temper and complement one anothers’, getting them into and out of funny and action-filled scenarios.

Star Wars has ONE SCENE exemplifying this – the first flight of the Millennium Falcon. Hey look I’m a really fantastic pilot and you can shoot a gun but how the fuck Tie Fighters. Tie Fighters are everywhere and this ship is a piece of shit and bam. We have reaffirmed our character flaws and differences and reconciled them to kill these Dragons like a badass team. The rest of the movie is fanservice and a huge misunderstanding of the purpose of villains and action sequences.

Conveniently this leads to the second glaring flaw of bad fantasy action writing.

###  Do not assume  ###
that complex characters with good background and motives will carry your story.

Growth and development are quintessential to plot, in fact, your story about Dragon slaying is actually a story about Dragon Slayers. Never think otherwise. Star Wars VII is a testament to this, as the characters are basically well-done, but the ENORMOUS GULF that is the dialogue of that film falls far too short of any sort of interesting anything. No, I don’t like the new Star Wars. Not because it’s kitchy, not because it’s a series of walking, talking cliches, and not because the villain is a whiny baby with daddy issues where his balls, er, character should be. I hate the new Star Wars because nobody does anything. Nobody changes. Sure dragons were killed but nobody slew a Dragon. In fact, nobody talked to anybody, or even had so much as a remote thought to grow or change. The essence of western storytelling, the adversity promulgated by outside forces, did not present an emotional obstacle. It presented a physical one, that was solved by three barely-intersecting origin stories.

As an aside, I’ve started re-reading The Count of Monte Cristo. Which is a fantastic, gargantuan story. The thing about Dumas is he writes serials, which are effectively soap operas of his time. But the characters, the interactions and complications therein make his serials compelling enough to ‘binge watch’ via their hardcover Netflix counterparts. The Three Musketeers is another such tale. I love it. It’s cliched, tropey, long-winded, action-heavy. But at its core we still have an earnest, naive D’Artagnan learning the values of friendship and love, and facing issues that swordplay and enthusiasm alone cannot conquer. The fight scenes are testaments not to swordplay but to the wise instructing the young, the drive to do better, and the uncompromising determination and hard work to get there. With some really wickedly good writing about swordplay on top.

Perhaps this is the same reason why E. B. White’s The Once and Future King is much more highly regarded than the original tale of King Arthur.

To make another big leap, the Fire Emblem video game series either succeeds or fails spectacularly. (My god I’ve been meaning to talk about Fire Emblem and our love/hate relationship for too long please dear reader grant me this digression.) Each game has the potential in very few lines to present living, breathing characters thrown into adversity, forced to interact with each other, complete with the background and development necessary to make these interactions interesting and meaningful. The battles are of course the core of the gameplay, but the feeling you get at the end of said battles comes half from accomplishment and half from the emotional trials they represent. For the same reason, I think, Dragon Age succeeds over Skyrim. Fire Emblem has just as much potential as the latter to offer cardboard cutouts for characters who bungle around like bumper cars unable to actually grow.

Basically. Fantasy adventure action what-have-you means a lot to me. But don’t for one second get it into your head that slaying the physical dragon is the best part. Or I will find you. And make your life a literary hell.



  1. I am a force of change in the world and I will not let others stop me from being who I am.
  2. I belong to no one. I am free. Despite this, the power and resources I have reaped are shared.
  3. Regardless of what can be done to our history or culture, our memories are unshakable and grant us power.

A bad MtG story:
Don’t mind us killing a dragon for plot while looking cool and being marginally diverse.

A review of my second favourite Fire Emblem game (To explain the beginning to non-gamers, characters who stand next to each other can be made to converse, fostering a bond that grants statistical bonuses. Each bond has three levels, meaning three conversations, an interesting limitation that strangely promotes and solidifies individuality. Like Tweets or something.)

Now my favourite.

Now a recent, shitty one. (Important because the criticism delves into “Background” and “Development” and what they mean to a story and game. Watch until 17 minutes at least.)

PPS: For diehard Fire Emblem fans willing to devote several hours to watching the full series of reviews, note how he skips over the Tellius games. This is simultaneously a grave mistake and a brilliant oversight; the games were quite well done, but also tragically cliched and formulaic, as well as overwrought and heavy-handed thematically. The characters have simple dialogue and straightforward motives, perhaps with less care taken to each personality (Lowen’s, “A knight of Pherae…would never falter…” vs pretty much all of Ike or Soren’s lines). But let it never be said I hate tropey, over-the-top, unsubtle narrative. Love those games.

Not Sick?


We tend to think of the immune system as a Boolean did I get sick or did I not get sick? Which makes sense for the most part, because most of the time if you are around lots of people sharing things, you do get sick.

But maybe immune systems are more of a gradient, like contracting a cold is binary but how sick you actually are, as in how much the symptoms of that strain are affecting you, is actually quite variable. I ask because there was a huge big bad contagion at my place and I was the only one to not get sick, so I pumped myself full of vitamin C and zinc and was careful to wash my hands a lot. Like, maybe the disease did reach me (there were a couple instances where I was sure sharing that plate or such and such definitely was The Point Of Transferrence) but the moment it hit my zinc’d up system it just doubled up and filled my blood with cold dead cold cells (harharhar).

Similarly, I had a piano teacher who said she never got sick because lots of grubby little kids were always playing her piano. Is it possible in both examples we were actually sick, but didn’t exhibit many symptoms because our immune systems were on high alert? In the piano teacher example, it only makes sense if she’s boosting her immune system as much as I was. Unless she has a naturally incredible immune system. How realistic or practical is “immune system boosting”? Do some people have naturally better immune systems, excepting auto-immune disorders or hypochondria? If so, how much variation is there? Can it be fortified? Like the mythical iocaine resistance (I know poison is a progressively lethal thing) is it false to assume that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?

I mean, just how nebulous is the immune system to present-day science?


No, seriously, if you or someone you know from a knowlegeable background can answer these questions I am seeking non answers.

Also long time no see haha. Pardon?

A Mother Fucking Quiche

So breakfast was pretty fantastic today.

Bought entirely with food stamps! So, really great!

I’d also like to think I’m getting faster at cooking. I realized too late that quiches have crusts, but found the fastest pie crust ever online. 1.5 cups flour, .5 cups oil, 2 tablespoons milk, salt and sugar to taste. The recipe has three steps. 1: Mix all the ingredients IN the pie pan. 2: Pat it out along the bottom and sides. 3: Put it in the preheating oven until preheated.

So fast. Then just eggs, bell pepper, tomatoes, and chives. I had to run off and get some cheese cause we ran out of pepperjack, That was all the salt and pepper it needed. Let me tell you, it tastes DELECTABLE. The tomatoes are so flavorful, and burst the moment you bite into them. The peppers added a sweeter taste, and the crust was perfectly crumbly. Most important of all, the egg had that perfect dry, fluffy texture when you know they cooked all the way through. I think the secret was havingthe oven at 425 for the first ten minutes then turning it down to 350 for the next forty.

Anyways. I had it with a baked potato, and altogether it took very little effort on my part. I’m not one to take photos of my food, but… BEHOLD

mother fucking quiche

###  Weird Food Things #1  ###
Bananas and Fritos. Yes, together. Slightly sweet and crunchy.


Here’s a petition to save the railroad in front of my parents’ place for the potential to turn it into a bike trail! Please sign! Shameless plugging, etc. etc.

No really, this is a huge deal. It’d mean kids like me wouldn’t have to bike along the highway to get to and from school or work. The alternative is ownership reverting to original landowners, making it EXTREMELY difficult to orchestrate a bike trail or for that matter any kind of commuter path from Colfax to Pullman.

Thank you for your time an all, we’ll return to our irregularly scheduled programming sooner or later.

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