
This page is where I’ll put all my cool hacks.

Pandoless League of Legends install:
I got this from a dev because pando was arguing with my leet setup. Feel free to use it, I’ve had a few requests so here ya go.

Xin Zhao battlecry ringtone:
This is from a joke video called Be A Man, Xin Zhao Tutorial. It’s silly, basically the guy playing Xin freaks the fuck out and it’s one of my ringtones because yeah.

Kablamo’s Tracklist:
I make lots of mixes, and people want to know the tracks. So here they are in one giant, convenient file. Czech out the Mixtapes page for more.

FE Awakening Artbook:
I found raws of a rare artbook and was sorting them out for translators before it fell through. Here ya go!

Pause Ahead offline:
Tracked down a sawoofuh of this game for anyone interested.

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