The Thing About Things

It is becoming a drizzly day. Rather nice, especially since yesterday nearly filled my post-winter-sun-quota. I’ve got my window open as I type this, and the drips are a really nice ambiance in junction with the faraway hustle of car motors. Scott is making snickerdoodles, and I’ve prepared some pasta and procured, gasp, local ground beef. For spaghetti, with lots of basil and honestly second or third rate tomato sauce. I’m excited.

I feel like I had something to write, but I guess the only thing coming to mind right now is retrospective. I’ve prepared my own meals, real meals, for the last month plus. My room stays clean, and I’ve done away with a lot of the paper life. I showered for the first time in over two weeks today, which is accepted here. I can dance, not nearly as good as Grace or Lauren, but distinctly not bad either – it’s at a point I’ve considered going weekly. I had an exceptionally good birthday.

It’s weird the changes I’ve made since moving here.

…when I phrase it like that it sounds like I’m preparing to move out, and I admit I don’t know but that may happen soon. Moving is sort of like dying, I think. But a little different. When we move people are always thinking about what they bring with them, yet when they die people are more concerned with what they’re leaving when they go. It’s both, I think. I’m considering selling my game consoles, or packing them into storage, since I’ve gotten to a point of mostly emulators, and frankly they suck for travel, or hypothetical moving. Even just around the house (I’ve considered and attempted moving to the top floor) a television, two giant speakers, and a slew of consoles and audio equipment hamper subletting.

I want to own less. There’s so much stuff that I never use, ever. But some of it is like Legos, or art supplies. I WANT to do art. I think. Me and those who know me think of me as an artist, but I haven’t even drawn anything in, going on three years? Is that still who I am? God this is starting to read like one of those metamorphic, shedding the old me posts. Yuck.

I guess what I’m trying to say now is there’s some things that haven’t changed about me, and I like that. I still drink tea. I’ve made a lot of cool Magic decks. I still read, even if just a little at a time. I’ve made a bunch of cool mixes and listen to lots of music. I’ve started biking again this last week, now that the weather’s nicer. However, maybe it really is time to sort out what stays and what goes.

That is to say, this post may have been an attempt to distract myself from cleaning my room. Damn, I’m good. I should go be a paid psychologist.

A Mother Fucking Quiche

So breakfast was pretty fantastic today.

Bought entirely with food stamps! So, really great!

I’d also like to think I’m getting faster at cooking. I realized too late that quiches have crusts, but found the fastest pie crust ever online. 1.5 cups flour, .5 cups oil, 2 tablespoons milk, salt and sugar to taste. The recipe has three steps. 1: Mix all the ingredients IN the pie pan. 2: Pat it out along the bottom and sides. 3: Put it in the preheating oven until preheated.

So fast. Then just eggs, bell pepper, tomatoes, and chives. I had to run off and get some cheese cause we ran out of pepperjack, That was all the salt and pepper it needed. Let me tell you, it tastes DELECTABLE. The tomatoes are so flavorful, and burst the moment you bite into them. The peppers added a sweeter taste, and the crust was perfectly crumbly. Most important of all, the egg had that perfect dry, fluffy texture when you know they cooked all the way through. I think the secret was havingthe oven at 425 for the first ten minutes then turning it down to 350 for the next forty.

Anyways. I had it with a baked potato, and altogether it took very little effort on my part. I’m not one to take photos of my food, but… BEHOLD

mother fucking quiche

###  Weird Food Things #1  ###
Bananas and Fritos. Yes, together. Slightly sweet and crunchy.

Songs of the Week

I dunno. It grew on me slowly and now it makes me want to dance. I also like how it wavers between minor and major keys. I don’t actually have anything else to say about this one, I just like it, inexplicably.

This song was sampled by Renard in “Been Gone”, which is one of my favourite songs that I secretly enjoy for the shock value. Yes this is music I listen to. Is something wrong? (Ho ho ho.) But really, this is such a catchy song, and it’s a testament to a band thought to be two-hit-wonders. “Did your head / Not receive / The shape of everything / That you are / And I am / I shouldn’t be happy as your man.” It’s also exceptionally difficult to play on ukulele, and therefore gets +1 in my book. I love to sing it.