A Mother Fucking Quiche

So breakfast was pretty fantastic today.

Bought entirely with food stamps! So, really great!

I’d also like to think I’m getting faster at cooking. I realized too late that quiches have crusts, but found the fastest pie crust ever online. 1.5 cups flour, .5 cups oil, 2 tablespoons milk, salt and sugar to taste. The recipe has three steps. 1: Mix all the ingredients IN the pie pan. 2: Pat it out along the bottom and sides. 3: Put it in the preheating oven until preheated.

So fast. Then just eggs, bell pepper, tomatoes, and chives. I had to run off and get some cheese cause we ran out of pepperjack, That was all the salt and pepper it needed. Let me tell you, it tastes DELECTABLE. The tomatoes are so flavorful, and burst the moment you bite into them. The peppers added a sweeter taste, and the crust was perfectly crumbly. Most important of all, the egg had that perfect dry, fluffy texture when you know they cooked all the way through. I think the secret was havingthe oven at 425 for the first ten minutes then turning it down to 350 for the next forty.

Anyways. I had it with a baked potato, and altogether it took very little effort on my part. I’m not one to take photos of my food, but… BEHOLD

mother fucking quiche

###  Weird Food Things #1  ###
Bananas and Fritos. Yes, together. Slightly sweet and crunchy.